Axioms and Truth

Those that are equal to the same thing are equal to one another
There is neither Jew nor Greek
Neither slave nor free
No man nor woman
All are one
In Christ

When equals are added to equals the whole is equal
The rich
And the poor
Meet together
The Lord is the Maker
Of all

When equals are subtracted from equals the remainders are equal
From every tribe and nation
Every language and people
Taken as a Kingdom
To be priests for God
To reign the whole of the earth

Those that coincide with one another are equal to one another
Whoever is great among you
Must serve the other
And whoever would be first
Must be as a slave to the other
The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve

The whole is greater than the part
Two are greater than one
Offering a full return for their labor
If one falls
The other helps them up
A cord of three strands is not easily broken

Alone we are many
Together we are one
When our hearts know
All are one
In Christ

4 thoughts on “Axioms and Truth

  1. Truly amazing!
    That is awesome Tim!
    What a beautiful picture of love you have painted for us!
    Reminds me of the picture in Acts where, they have one faith, and have all things in common! No one lacking anything they needed because, true love is laying down your life for your brother & sister. There is an old saying: “My brother is my salvation!”
    Forgive my long windedness?
    It’s just what you wrote…
    Brought tears to an old man’s eyes. Thank you Tim ❤️
    God’s speed ❣️

    Liked by 2 people

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